Low entomological impact of new water supply infrastructure in southern Vietnam, with reference to dengue vectors.

Autor(es): Tran Hau P; Huynh Trang T T; Nguyen Yen T; Kutcher Simon; O'Rourke Peter; Marquart Louise; Ryan Peter A; Kay Brian H

Resumo: We did a prospective study in southern Vietnam where new water infrastructure was added. New 1,200-L tanks may present potential breeding grounds for Aedes aegypti, particularly when sealed lids were not always supplied. Some householders in these communes received a piped water supply, however there was no reduction in water storage practices. The prevalence of Aedes aegypti immatures in tank and tap households reached 73%, but were non-significantly different from each other and from control households that received no infrastructure. In all three communes, standard jars comprised from 48% to 71% of containers but were associated with > 90% of III-IV instars and pupae on occasions. In contrast, project tanks contributed from 0-21% of the total population. Non-functional or no lids were apparent 4 months after installation in 45-76% of new tanks, but there was no difference between communes with lids and without lids.

Imprenta: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, v. 87, n. 4, p. 631-639, 2012

Identificador do objeto digital: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0335

Descritores: Aedes aegypti - Flaviviridae ; Aedes aegypti - Pathogenesis ; Aedes aegypti - Viral infections ; Aedes aegypti - Virus ; Aedes aegypti - Transmission ; Aedes aegypti - Dengue ; Aedes aegypti - Epidemiology ; Aedes aegypti - Public health

Data de publicação: 2012