Infection of female and male Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) with the filarial parasite Waltonella flexicauda.

Autor(es): Henry A. Terwedow; George B. Craig

Resumo: Males and females of 4 strains of Aedes aegypti were inoculated with microfilariae of Waltonella flexicauda, a filarial parasite of the bullfrog. Development of this worm in Ae. aegypti females had previously been shown to be under the control of a single gene, fm2. Both sexes of a genetically selected, highly susceptible strain, FOLEY-S, were susceptible to infection. However, the males permitted 3 times as many worms to develop. Increasing age was shown to reduce the proportion of developing W. flexicauda in male FOLEY-S, but this could not be demonstrated conclusively in the females. Females of 3 strains, FOLEY-R, BAHAMA, and GANDA, had similar low susceptibilities when infected either by inoculation or by blood-feeding on an infected frog. The males of these strains were 65% 100%, and 14%, susceptible, respectively, and differed significantly from their female counterparts. The 2 strains demonstrating the extremes in male susceptibility were crossed and the F1 male progeny infected. Susceptibilities of 67% and 47% intermediate to those of the parental males, were obtained. No correlation between male and female Ae. aegypti susceptibility to W. flexicauda was evident. Knowledge of male susceptibility in no way aids in selection of genes for female susceptibility

Imprenta: Journal of Medical Entomology, v. 14, n. 4, p. 421-424, 1977

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Descritores: Aedes aegypti - Pathogenesis ; Aedes aegypti - Public health

Data de publicação: 1977