The implantation and development of modern science in Venezuela and its social implications

Capa:The implantation and development of modern science in Venezuela and its social implications

Autor(es): Hebe Maria Cristina Vessuri

Palavras-Chave: Ciência - Venezuela

Notas: VESSURI, Hebe. The implantation and development of modern science in Venezuela and its social implications. In: SYMPOSIUM “CROSS CULTURAL TRANSMISSION OF NATURAL KNOWLEDGE AND ITS SOCIAL IMPLICATIOINS: LATIN AMERICA”, 17., 1985, Berkeley. Acts... Berkeley: Sociedad Latinoamericana de Historia de las Ciencia y la Tecnología, 1988. p. 107-123. (Cuadernos de Quipu, 2). Localização: CDPCT/IG HV 02/88