Electrophysiologic assessment of acute polyradiculoneuropathy in dogs: comparison with Guillain-Barré syndrome in people.

Autor(es): Cuddon P. A.

Resumo: Electrophysiologic investigations of motor and sensory nerve as well as ventral nerve root function were performed on 12 dogs with suspected acute canine polyradiculoneuropathy (ACP) at different stages and with different severity of disease. The most reliable electrophysiologic indicators of ACP were electromyographic changes (occurring in 100% of affected dogs), significantly decreased compound muscle action potential amplitudes (in 75, 90, and 100% of affected dogs at all sites along the sciatic/tibial, radial, and ulnar nerves, respectively), increased minimum F-wave latencies (67%), increased F ratios (92%), and decreased F-wave amplitudes (67%). These findings suggest that ACP represents a peripheral motor axonopathy, with demyelination and axonal involvement also occurring in ventral nerve roots. Evidence of peripheral demyelination was present in some dogs although it was overshadowed by the prominent axonopathy. ACP more closely resembles the acute axonal or intermediate forms of Guillain-Barré syndrome in people.

Imprenta: Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, v. 12, n. 4, p. 294-303, 1998

Identificador do objeto digital: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.1998.tb02125.x

Descritores: Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Cell ; Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Cytopathology

Data de publicação: 1998