Recent advances of therapeutic apheresis in Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Autor(es): Haupt W. F.

Resumo: Acute idiopathic demyelinating polyneuritis (AIDP), commonly known as the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), is an immune-mediated demyelinating disease of the peripheral nerve and nerve roots. A number of immunological mechanisms were described, but the exact pathomechanism has not been explained fully. Presumably, a variety of immunological processes lead to a relatively uniform clinical phenotype. Two large multicenter studies showed that plasma exchange (PE) was significantly superior to supportive treatment only. Selective adsorption (SA) also was employed as a method of therapeutic apheresis, and various smaller studies established that both PE and SA are equally effective treatments for GBS. Recently, it was demonstrated that the number of apheresis treatments should be adapted to the severity of disease. A large multicenter controlled study established equal efficacy of PE and intravenous immunoglobulin treatment (IVIg) as well as the combination of PE and IVIg. Since that time, the use of apheresis for the treatment of GBS declined in many countries due to the easier application of IVIg. The number of patients treated in larger hospitals with long-standing experience in the treatment of GBS also has declined.

Imprenta: Therapeutic Apheresis, v. 4, n. 4, p. 271-274, 2000

Identificador do objeto digital: 10.1046/j.1526-0968.2000.004004271.x

Descritores: Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Proteins ; Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Antibodies

Data de publicação: 2000