Status of vertical aerial photography of OAS member countries : Southern South America

Capa:Status of vertical aerial photography of OAS member countries : Southern South America

Autor(es): Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development ; compiled and drafted by the Unit of Engineering and Natural Resources, Department of Economic Affaris, Pan American Union

Resumo: INTER-AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. Status of vertical aerial photography of OAS member countries: Southern South America. [S.l.]: Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development, 1963. 1 mapa, monocolor., 56 x 39 cm. ((W80º00'00"-W40º00'00"/N10º00'00"-S10º00'00")).

Palavras-Chave: Mapas índice - América do Sul

Notas: (W80º00'00"-W40º00'00"/N10º00'00"-S10º00'00"). Inclui legenda; Inclui nota; Escala gráfica; "Preliminary edition based on compilation sources available as of Dec., 1962". Localização: Mapoteca/IG IND 00.1/015

Descrição Física: 1 mapa, monocolor., 56 x 39 cm.

Imprenta: [S.l.]: Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development, 1963.